Now you can concentrate on the information in front of you. all topics with TODO in the title - or all topics modified this week - or all priority1 topics) and iThoughts will ‘dim out’ all the other topics in the map. You can ‘describe’ the information you’re interested in (e.g. Maps can get large and unwieldy - and sometimes you want to focus in on a particular area. I use this to ‘cleanup’ my maps when I discover better words… As with search, regular expressions are also supported for replace.

For example, if you’d like to update all occurrences of “apple” with “Apple” or change all smiley icons to sad icons then that’s easy. Searching is only one side of the equation - you can also replace. It will even search through all your maps in one sweep. You can use a simple textual search or a more advanced ‘Regular Expression’ (GREP) search. iThoughts has a powerful search engine built in. That means lots of information strewn between many maps. Once you’ve discovered mind mapping, you’ll use it for everything. I now use this in place of 1Password to store my sensitive data.
What’s really cool is that it integrates with FaceID and TouchID so that you don’t need to enter the password each time. iThoughts takes this to another level and encrypts the file itself (using AES-256 ) This means that you can store your maps ‘in the cloud’ (or on a stick) and be confident that the cloud provider (or a hacker) cannot read your map - even if they have the actual file in their possession. You can password protect your maps for privacy.

The remainder of this article will give you a quick overview of some of my favourites. Many are effectively ‘hidden’ in the pursuit of a less cluttered user interface. There are quite a few ‘lesser known’ features within iThoughts that are really quite powerful and have been developed, over the years, specifically to address the needs of ‘power users’.

Most mindmap apps provide the same base level of functionality - and iThoughts is no different: So why should you even consider iThoughts?ĭisclaimer: I built iThoughts - it’s been my life for the past 12 years - I’m a little biased! There are a lot of mind maps apps out there.